Monday, April 13, 2009

The rest of spring break in Las Vegas

We went with the whole family to the Easter Tournament in Las Vegas. Scott helps coach a basketball team. They did great! and it is such a tradition to go every Easter. We had 16 family members with us this year and it was a blast! I love my family and spending time with them. What great memories we make. I love it when we are all together! Here are a few things we did while we were there along with going to the basketball games. We went to the shark reef aquarium and the line was an hour long so we took this picture and left. It is such a chore to get us all anywhere down town.
Chris went with Conner and Matthew on the New York New York roller coaster, Thanks Chris!

Macie and her dad

We went to the M and M factory. The wait for the 10 minute movie was 45 minutes. You guessed it we didn't wait.

So we went right over to the Coke factory and tried all the drinks from around the world

Great grandpa and Quinn

We ate a little sushi. This is squid. Yuck! Jesse ate it!

He said it was a little chewy. Really? I am so surprised. Ha,Ha
Scott has had food poisoning for the last 2 days. He has been so sick. Sorry honey!

Spent a little time at the pool

We had an Easter egg hunt Sunday morning. Quinn found all his eggs.

Macie loved the hunt

Matthew and Conner scored. Thanks Easter Bunny! I hope everyone had a great Easter.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Matt and his friends Jack and Jerry made a cadapault. Well mostly Jack, Matt and Jerry helped fill the water balloons and launch them. Good job Jack!

The boys filling the water balloons

Ready.. Set.. Fire!


Well done boys!


Monday we went to the aquarium

Matt and Cameron

Just checken out the sea life!

Brooklyn and Macie checken out the sea life. Macie loved it

Petting the rays.

We had a lot of fun. They have a new section at the aquarium that has all kinds of things from the Amazon.